Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I would love to know why it is that who I am sexually attracted to in real life is not at all who my subconscious is attracted to in sleep. I mean I've lusted a few times over Clive Owen, Gael Garcia Bernal, James Mcavoy... but no, not in my sleep. My first sexual dream that I can remember was with Billy Crystal. That's right, I said Billy Crystal. He was wearing a red plaid flannel shirt tucked tightly into his snug stonewashed jeans. I walked into this cabin looking house and there was taxidermy on the wall and a roaring fire and Billy Crystal standing in the middle of the room. And the dream went something like this, I jumped up into his arms wrapped my legs around his waist and we kissed passionately I mean it was a deep kiss, while he kept squeezing and running his hands allover my ass. Next thing I know I'm waking up having an orgasm. I was only 15 when I had this dream. I know! It's horrible!!! My next famous person sex dream was with Woody Allen. Basically the same thing, different scenario. Well last night I had another sex dream but this was with some no namer, just someone my brain made up while I slept unsuspecting. He was short, and he had dark eyes, black hair, and I'm pretty sure he was Jewish. And let me tell you it was a good dream. I think what my Subconscious is trying to tell me is that I am sexually attracted to short Jewish men. La'Chayim!

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