Sunday, April 26, 2009

These Are A Few Of My Not So Favorite Things...

1. Rodents... mice, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs.They freak me out. As a child my mother thought she could help me get over my fear of rodents by purchasing a hamster and a cage and putting it in my room(Needless to say it didn't work). His name was Harry, and he lived 3 years. Now three years is along time to share a room with a hamster that you couldn't even look at. I never played with him, I left that up to my parents. Any time I would go to my room I would throw a sheet over his cage. Poor Harry.

2. Mayonnaise, Miracle Whip, or any other condiment that contains the mixture off egg whites, vinegar, and oil. No Thank You.

3. Stockard Channing.

4. Nosey people.

5. Conservative Evangelicals with their Hyper-Faith.

6. Most, if not all sitcoms from the 70's.

7. Minutemen. Not the band, but the neighborhood watch group along our borders.

8. Glenn Beck.

9. Rush Limbaugh.

10. Torture.

11. The middle of the states.

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