Thought I should write one last post before the new year. Wow! 34 posts in one year. Is that some kind of record? I guess I should make it my new years resolution to post more on here, along with get my house sold, get in shape, Find a job in Tennessee after getting my house sold, and cut back on my consumption of wine now that the holidays are over. Speaking of holidays, here's a list of some of the loot I received this year.
1.A camera and an unbelievably warm coat to wear while taking pictures of the miserably cold weather the Midwest has to offer. Reason #751 why I'm moving back to the south.

2. I've been wanting this book for along time. So much so that I got a copy from 2 different people. The book contains some real photos of real people in 1950's America taken by Swedish photographer Robert Frank. Introduction written by none other than Jack Kerouac. I mean who better to introduce a book on photographs of Americans. I was pleasantly surprised to see a picture taken in Chattanooga (my home town). Such good stuff.

3. this great reprodtion of a 1930's phone. It's ring if even for second makes you feel like your getting a phone call from the past.
4. Walle loves Eve-ah! I loved this movie, and I love these toys. They enteract with each other. Makes you believe in love at first sight.

5. Rock Band 2. Good fun. I tried it live and the only person I could find to play with was a 7 year old indian boy. I destroyed him. Rock On!
1 comment:
You should definitely post more. I'm over from Hollister Hovey.
Yoikes. That clown? I'm from Illinois. JWG, indeed. I guess that's why I hate clowns.
I wasn't sure if your blog name meant you were some ultra-conservative fascist. Just sayin'.
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