I'm about to confess something so embarrassing. This is going to be hard for me. OK here goes. I would consider myself someone that's obsessed with music. Good music. I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to the subject. But I have a secret. I have a soft spot, I mean a super soft spot for some bad music. I blame this on my parents. When I was a wee child they were always listening to music, but not good music. Their LP collection consisted of Bread, Abba, John Denver(which I love), Barry Manilow... Just bad, bad, bad. So today I walked into a newly discovered used bookstore. Ready to find Chuck Palahniuk's new book Snuff, I walked by a sea of vinyl. I had to stop and take look and the first album I see is Abba. I Flip it over and just wish that I could pull of their 70's Swedish spandex karate suit wearing style. Second album I see is Bread. Ooh the melodic hypnotizing words of Everything I Own. I don't actually pick them up. I get nervous look around to make sure no ones looking. Then I noticed a Burt Bacharach album. I looked around again and quickly picked them all up along with Journey and Boston. And then headed off to find Snuff. Walked to front layed my goods down hoping that the cashier wasn't nosey and want to chat about my selections. So there's my confession. I should be ashamed.